Last week I received a new bow. The all new PRIME Alloy. (www.g5prime.com)
I have been a PRIME shooter for just over a year now, and I have always been very impressed with the product. But the Alloy is on a completely different level.
To provide some background; I have been bow hunting since the late 1970's and shooting ever since. I jumped onto the 3D bandwagon in the 1990's and shot for quite some time. Achieving mediocrity at best. After a long sabbatical from the competition circuit I began shooting again a few years ago to stay sharp. While it may seem simplistic to readers, the old saying is so true, "you are only as good as your equipment will allow." Nothing could be more true.
Since shooting the PRIME Alloy and Gold Tip Arrows, I have been able to achieve scores I thought were only reserved for professional shooters. While I am sure I will never be able to compete with to top shooters, (my eyes are just too bad to see the details of the higher scoring rings) I have been able to achieve scores I never imagined. While I know the amount of work I am putting into practice has a lot to do with it, there is no doubt that the equipment has elevated the game exponentially.
I have seen scores increase by more than fifteen points per round. That is a total game changer in the competition world. I have moved from being an "also ran" to a contender and I believe that using the best equipment available has made that move faster than my practice alone could have.
The accuracy of the PRIME Alloy is beyond measure. This bow is incredibly stable, easy to hold, and consistent. After dialing in my G5 Optix XR sight I was shooting insanely tight groups out to 60 yards. I will give more details about the full set up in coming posts. But to say without hesitation the Alloy is the best bow available PERIOD.
If you are currently shooting tournaments or are contemplating it, or if you are a hunter, you owe it to yourself to get the best bow you can afford. Make it the best, make it a PRIME.
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