After many months of discussing, scheduling, and planning I finally was able to schedule a hunt with my brother (Dondi) he loves hunting crows, and I have from time to time called them in with a mouth call. But Dondi is hard core for crows. Electronic calls, decoys, the whole works. We were finally able to get together and spend a day chasing these crows.
We had three good stands and set the caller out in a semi-open area, hiding among the trees we turned on the caller and got ready. It was not an onslaught as I pictured, but it was steady shooting, these crows come to the call like ducks, coming in circling and presenting shots, the biggest issue we faced is that neither of us can shoot worth a dang. We missed many more than we got, but it was a lot of fun.
On one setup, we stoop among some planted pines and the turned on a "come here" call. The caller blared out for a few minutes and the crows started coming in one at a time, every minute or so another crow would appear. On one ocassion, I spotted one coming from the right, drifting in very slow, Dondi was on my right, and I did not see him throw up his gun, we fired at the crow at almost the identical time and we both nailed him. There was no doubt about it, he was dead instantly, getting hit with two loads of 7 1/2's at the same time.
All in all we got 4 crows, not a big shoot, but still a lot of fun. I would really recommend it, if you have access to crows, it is worth the effort to pursue them. While the electroic calls are nice, a good mouth call is all that is needed to get some to commit to shotgun range.